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Inquiry and Literacy

In the article "The Three R's of Inquiry: Teaching Literacy in Academic Cultures", the author, Raymond McInnis, states: "Reading is the most efficient method at our disposal for acquiring information." Explain why you agree or disagree with this statement.

When I first read this statement, I disagreed with it. I feel that reading is only one efficient method at our disposal for acquiring information. I would also have to say that it probably depends on the person who acquires the information. For me, reading isn't necessarily a good tool. Sure, I read to acquire information on a daily basis, but one has to wonder: how much of that information do I actually retain and use later on down the road? I wonder sometimes after reading certain required readings for class how much of the infomation I actually obtained by reading what I read. Most of the time, I find the
answer to be NOT VERY MUCH. I have found that when it comes to reading, I have the attention span of an ant. I could be reading something that is very exciting and that I personally have an interest in, but most of the time, I will just skim through and inevitably, I miss important information.

For me, the most efficient method at my disposal for acquiring information is Research. Granted, if people did not read to acquire information, research, in an academic sense, would not exist. However, I feel that research in a broader sense (experimenting, hands-on learning, and active learning) is the most efficient way that I acquire information.

Writing must not be overlooked as well. I also find that if I have a problem, I can simply "write it out", meaning I can write about it until I come up with a soloution. With writing, one can acquire an abundance of information. It has been my experience that I can find out so much about myself and other people by just reading over some of my old journal entries. In an academic sense, writing can be used as a means to an end. A student may have a question or a problem pertaining to academic subject matter that he or she would like to address. Writing about the question or problem can sometimes lead this student to a possible answer to his or her question or a possible solution to his or her problem.

I have concluded that I do not fully agree nor disagree with the statement made by the author. I believe that reading is imporatant in acquiring information; however, I feel that "it depends" on the person who is acquiring the information as to what is the most effecient way for them. Information cannot be acquired through reading only, writing
only, or reasearch only. Thus, Reading, wRiting, and Research are collectively the most efficient ways to acquire information.

Heather P.

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Library Search 2

Hey all. Here are five new and improved resources. This time, I was
able to type in different keywords and actually come up with some good
articles. Here they are:

Resource: Academic Search Elite
Keyword: autism
Gray, David E. (Sept. 2002). Ten years on: A longitudinal study of families of children with autism. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 27. Issue 3, p. 215-223. Retrieved on October 7, 2002 from EBSCOhost database (Academic Search Elite, 7287793) on the World Wide Web: .

Resource: Academic Search Elite
Keyword: autism
Hatton, Sue (Sept. 2002). Living with autism--learning to manage. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 30. Issue 3, p. 135-137. Retrieved on October 7, 2002 from EBSCOhost database(Academic Search Elite, 7329991) on the World Wide Web: .

Resource: Academic Search Elite
Keyword: autism
Rapin, Isabelle (Aug. 2002). The autistic-spectrum disorders. New England Journal of Medicine, 347. Issue 5, p. 302-305. Retrieved on October 7, 2002 from EBSCOhost database (Academic Search Elite, 7054783) on the World Wide Web: .

Resource: ERIC
Keywords: Discrete Trial Training
Olgetree, Billy T., Oren, Thomas (Summer 2001). Application of ABA principles to general communication instruction. Focus on Autism and
Other Developmental Disabilities, 16. Issue 2, p. 102-109. Retrieved on October 7, 2002 from EBSCOhost database (ERIC, EJ630873) on the
World Wide Web: .

Resource: ERIC
Keywords: Discrete Trial Training
Simpson, Richard L. (Fall 1999). Early intervention with children with autism: The search for best practices. Journal of the Associations for Persons with Severe Handicaps, 24. Issue 3, p. 218-221. Retreived on October 7, 2002 from EBSCOhost database (ERIC, EJ599198) on the World Wide Web: .

Heather P.

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Library Search 1

As I said in my e-mail, I tried to search with different keywords (other than "autism"). I just couldn't find much, so I went with what I liked. Here they are:

Resource: ERIC
Keyword: autism
Jensen, Vanessa K.; Sinclair, Leslie V. (Apr2002). Treatment of Autism in Young Children: Behavioral Intervention and Applied Behavior Analyis. Infants & Young Children, p42-52, Vol 14 Issue 4. Retrieved
October 4, 2002, from EBSCOhost database (ERIC) on the World Wide Web: .

Source: ERIC
Keyword: autism
Harris, Sandra L.; Delmolino, Lara. (Jan2002). Applied Behavior Analysis: Its Application in the Treatment of Autism and Related Disorders in Young Children. Infants & Young Children, p11-17, Vol 14,
Issue 3. Retrieved October 4, 2002, from EBSCOhost database (ERIC), EJ639200 on the World Wide Web: .

Source: PsycINFO
Keyword: autism
Benda, John M. (Summer 2002). My Journey with Allison in Wonderland. Ethical Human Sciences & Services, p131-138, Vol 4, Issue 2. Retrieved October 4, 2002, from EBSCOhost database (PsycINFO) on the World Wide Web: .

Source: PsycINFO
Keyword: autism
Lorimer, Peggy A.; Myles, Brenda Smith; Simpson, Richard L. (Winter 2002). The Use of Social Stories as a Preventative Behavioral Intervention in a Home Setting With a Child With Autism. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, p53-60, Vol 4, Issue 1. Retrieved October 4, 2002, from EBSCOhost database (PsycINFO) on the World Wide Web: .

Source: PsycINFO
Keyword: autism
Peelen, A.; van Berckalaer-Onnes, I.A.; van Loon, J. (Sep2002). Challenging Behaviour: A Challenge to Change. Autism, p259-270, Vol 6, Issue 3. Retrieved October 4, 2002, from EBSCOhost database (PsycINFO) on the World Wide Web: .

Heather P.

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