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Genre 4 (Part 3)
Date: Thur, 26 Sept 2002 4:10:26 Hey Mary! I just wanted to reply back and say that I just had a discussion with Gina and Keri about starting the signing program on Wednesday of next week. We thought that Wednesdays and Thursdays would be good days for the kids to do this. It will be good for Kyle too because we are going to do this right after the kids do art (Kyle’s favorite) and right before lunch (another fave of Kyle’s!). As you know, doing something that Kyle may not like as much (the signing) will be done best before and after some really reinforcing activities (Wallin, 2002). Also, Gina and Keri said that they usually have about 30 minutes in between these activities that are spent finishing up their art and taking bathroom breaks. Keri said that pretty much all of the kids never need the extra time for art and that bathroom breaks can be done in about 10 minutes. So as far as time goes, we are good to go. Don’t worry about me. Around that time I am planning anyway (a.k.a—eating and e-mailing!!). Also, Keri is going to type up permission slips tonight for the kids to take home for their parents to sign over the weekend (we got you covered there, too!). She said that she talked to some parents today after school and they seemed to like the idea (YEA!!). I think everyone will be willing to participate. I guess the only thing left to do is to get all of the permission slips signed and over the weekend, I’ll start making a list of signs to introduce next week. Don’t think you are being a burden on anyone! Remember, this will be good for all of us once it is implemented. If I don’t talk to you before Sunday, I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I’ll let you know via e-mail (the quickest and most promising way to reach you!!) what the word is on Monday afternoon. Gina and Keri will probably give you an update as well. Have a good one! Heather :) Back to Genre 4: E-mail Exchange Part 2 Proceed to Genre 4: E-mail Exchange Part 4
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