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Friday, 22. November 2002
Week 13 Online Journal
Well, here it is, the week before break and I am so ready! But before I get too excited, I must remember that I have a lot of work to do this weekend. Here’s what happened or more appropriately did NOT happen this week… I aimed to do most of my homework for this class later on in the week. Why, one may ask? Because I had to in order to get other things done for my other classes! I knew we didn’t have much to do for this week, so I decided to put this class’s work off until, well, now. Also, I planned to start wrapping up my project. I wanted to decide how I wanted people to move from one genre to the next and what I wanted my front page of my weblog to look like. This is part of the assignments for this week, but I would have probably done it anyway. Also, I wanted to go back and start cleaning up my project a bit by editing small things such as punctuation errors and things of that nature. I wanted to do this so I won’t have to deal with it later. The content of this week has been very empty. Like I said before, I haven’t started on my homework for this class (I know it’s awful), but I plan to do it all either today or over the weekend. We didn’t meet on the MOO Wednesday, which was kind of good because I had some work that I needed to do for other classes. This week we were or are supposed to design our weblog so that one can move from one page to the next. I have a general idea of how I want to do this (I’ll mention more about it in the process part of my entry). Also, we are supposed to e-mail the class list to report on our peer review responses and those that we have given to members of our group. So far, I have only written a few things down on paper, but by Sunday, I’ll have everything posted. Also, I am completing the online journal right now! One process that I used in completing my work this week was going back and reviewing the summer class’s weblogs to get ideas on how I want my readers to navigate through my blog. I now have a general idea of how I want to do this, and by Sunday, it will be done. Also, I began writing down specific pieces of advice that I received from my group members during peer reviews. I wanted to include particularly helpful hints from each member of my group (don’t want to leave anyone out!) as well as from Mrs. McComas. Perhaps I arrived at a place in my thinking this week that I haven’t visited in quite a while. That place is called “Down-to-the-wire Stressed”. I have so much to do for this class as well as for my other classes and I’m not sure where to begin. I have lots to do over the weekend and over break (OH BOY!!!). All I have to keep saying is “2 more weeks! 2 more weeks! 2 MORE WEEKS!!!!” I can’t wait until it’s all over, said and done! All to do now is clean up, polish up, and revise, revise, revise (a.k.a.—edit, edit, edit!). That shouldn’t be too bad, so I’m looking forward to it. I have no questions at this time. I guess I know what needs to be done so all I have to do now is the hardest part…JUST DO IT!! Until next time... Heather P.
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