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Sunday, 29. September 2002
Project Prospectus
Essential Question: How can SLP's manage the aggressive behaviors of autistic clients? Foundation Questions(in order): 2. What is autism? 3. Why do SLP's often work with autistic individuals? 4. What aggressive behaviors are associated with autism? 5. Why is it necessary to manage the aggressive behaviors of autistic individuals? 6. What are some aggressive behavaior management techniques used by the parents of autistic individuals, therapists (including SLP's), and other professionals (such as teachers). 7. What are ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) and Discrete Trial Training? 8. Can ABA and Discrete Trial Training be used on all autistic clients, or just children? Tentative Point(very tentative point): Autism is a disorder that affects the child, the parents, the professionals that work with the child, and others that surround that child. It is a disorder that must be dealt with in a proper manner, so that the child may have every opportunity to a productive member of society. Genres: 1.Webliography: clinician voice/parent, professional audience 2.Powerpoint presentation: clinician voice/clinician audience 3.Poem: client voice/other people (including parents, professionals, clinician) 4.Interview Transcript: parent voice/other parents of autistic children and professionals who work with them 5.E-mail Exchange: parent voice/clinician audience 6.Newsletter: clinician voice(specifically ABA therapists)/parent and professional audience 7.Journal Entries: parent voice I am not sure at this point in time of how all of my genres are going to come together as a cohesive whole. I have been thinking about it, but I just can’t seem to decide (imagine that—me being indecisive). However, I am thinking that I might do something like a talk show script (a talk show like Oprah, not like Jerry), where the parents, the client, and the clinician are guests. They can maybe talk about their behavior management techniques, the parents can maybe read their journal entries, the therapist can share some points from the newsletter, the client can try to read his poem, etc. I’m still trying to form this idea, so it’s not fully developed yet. I’ll keep everyone posted. Tentative Resources: Jensen, Vanessa K. (Apr2002). Treatment of Autism in Young Children: Behavioral Intervention and Applied Behavior Analysis. Infants and Young Children, p42-52, Vol 14 Issue 4. Retrieved September 27, 2002, from EBSCOhost database (ERIC) on the World Wide Web. Levy, Susan E. (Jan2002). Alternative/Complementary Approaches to Treatment of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Infants and Young Children, p33-42, Vol 14 Issue 3. Retrieved September 27, 2002, from EBSCOhost database (ERIC) on the World Wide Web.
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MRP Table of Contents
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