This is Heather's weblog
Friday, 30. August 2002
Week 1Online Journal

This week has been a rather eventful one. School has already seemed to stress me out at least five times this week so with that said, I think things are precisely how they should be. I'm actually beginning to get kind-of excited about my computer networking class because I enjoy learning new things and it also makes me look like I know what I'm doing with a computer. I'm certain that by the time this class is
over, I will actually know what I'm doing and I won't have to pretend anymore. It's amazing how technology advances in such a short amount of time. I'm 21 years old and have lived through most of the computer-age but I am still oblivious to many of the hi-tech things that are out there.

I can already tell that I am going to thoroughly enjoy creating an online journal. Journaling is something that I have always done and I think that it is a great way to just reflect upon life and kind-of sit back and look at things in a broad picture. It seems as though when we do this, things become so much clearer to us and we begin to look at things from various perspectives. I have always been an avid writer
and a "reflector". I love the serenity that I get after writing three or four pages of personal reflections about people I know, places I go, or just about my day or week. I feel that it is complete clarification
for the mind and spirit. To me, online journaling is just an extention of what I already do on my own in my little yellow and blue journal that I keep under my bed (a wonderful gift from my wonderful friend,
Alison). I hope that everyone else (those who do not journal already) can see how great journaling is. I have never kept an online journal, but I'm looking forward to sharing my experiences (the good, the bad, and the in-between) with all who wish to read them, and I also look forward to reading about the experiences that others are encountering or have encountered. I have a feeling that this is something that I am going to absolutely love. Until next time...

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