This is Heather's weblog
Friday, 18. October 2002
Week 8 Online Journal

What a very calm and low stress week! I think for the most part, this is what many of us needed. I don’t think this is going to last very long, though. It’s kind of like the clam before the storm. The good news is that we are to the halfway mark in our quest to make it through this semester. The bad news is that means midterm exams, deadlines for projects, and a half of a semester worth of homework and tests awaits us before the end. I think the important thing to keep in mind is that we’ve made it this far, so let’s just keep pressing on. This too shall pass, as all other rough semesters have. On with the journaling…

This week, I set out to complete most of my work for this class before the weekend. I set out to do this because frankly, I am getting sick and tired of doing homework on the weekends. I know I have no one else to blame for this other than myself for being the procrastinator that I am. I decided to change that this week, and it worked out pretty well. Perhaps if we would have had more assignments, this would not have been the case. I also set out to start drafting the 4th genre for my MRP. This was required this week and I am still in the process of putting together ideas for it. I think I am going to do an e-mail exchange between the client’s mother and the clinician. Last week, I set out to research my topic more in-depth and this week, I achieved that. I went over to the Autism Training Center’s library (located on the 3rd floor of Old Main) this week and found some really great books. I guess I will look through these this weekend (I guess I do have homework!). This won’t actually be aversive for me, though. Even though I really don’t like to read, I don’t really mind if it is something that can hold my interest.

The content of the week was much like that of last week’s. I reviewed Erin’s, Rikki’s, and Cheryl’s 3rd genres and I am beginning to draft my 4th genre. I have to say that the people in my group are really doing some excellent work. I am finding it hard to find things in their work that they need to address. This week, I found mostly mechanical errors in their writings (like grammar and punctuation), as I did last week, too. I am very proud of them. It’s interesting to see each other’s work and how our hard work in research comes through in our writings. I am beginning to draft my 3rd genre. I am going to post an e-mail exchange between the client’s mother and the clinician this week. I am in the process of drafting it on paper. I also reported on my list that I subbed to. It was interesting to see what others’ lists consisted of as well.

Like last week, I didn’t utilize many processes in completing my work. I suppose I used the most processes in reviewing my group’s genres and in beginning to draft my 4th genre. In looking at my group’s work, I tried to find as many good things as possible in order to trump the few changeable things that I was able to find. They made it really easy on me, because their work was so awesome that mostly all that I found was good things. Also, I tried to be constructive in my criticism something that I think is very important right now. I look at my peers as beginning to become experts on their topics so I don’t want to be like, “No that’s not right. It should be this way.” How do I know what their research has said? So when I run across something that I find to be a little strange (in my opinion, mind you), I just tactfully ask a question about it and ask them to “maybe” check on that fact. However, this hasn’t happened at all really so I haven’t had to use this process very much. In reporting about my list, I remembered most of the topics that are discussed on the list; however, I went back through the databases to see if there were any discussions that stood out from the others or that I may have overlooked. In beginning to draft my 4th genre, I chose to do the e-mail exchange because, well, it was next on my list of genres to do! I also thought that it would be relatively easy to do since I have been writing down topics (not actual discussions) that have come up on my discussion list. From that, I have kind of spun off in my own direction. Of course it’s not posted yet because I am THE procrastinator and I also have to write it before I can type it (see my VARK inventory results and you’ll see why!).

I have to be honest… I haven’t really arrived at any new places in my thinking this week. Then again, maybe I have and I just haven’t realized it yet! That sometimes happens when you are scatter-brained like me. I may realize it four months down the road, when all is said and done. I have realized as a result of this week how I am among some very talented writers. I have to pick on Erin in particular. On the surface, she is so quiet and a little reserved and it has taken me almost four years to get to know her (and I am so glad I did!). Inside, though, she is amazingly deep and I think this really comes through in her writing. I have always thought of myself as being a little analytical and possessing some depth, so it’s really awesome to see that other people possess these unique qualities as well. I think that’s why I sort-of connect with her and with Mrs. McComas (not trying to be a brownnoser) because I can see these qualities in them. You can tell that they really enjoy writing and use it as a tool often. There are also things about Rikki’s and Cheryl’s writings that I found to be quite compelling as well. I am really glad that we are doing the kind of work that we are doing in this class, because on some level you get to see how people interpret information and in the process of writing about what they have found, they are able to let others see fragments of who they are as a learner and really, as a person. This project isn’t just straight research and doing a paper, it’s utilizing information in a way that brings research to life. It brings all of the technical writings and publications and all of the professional jargon we run across in our research to a whole new light. Then, we can add our own spin to things as we begin to understand what we are reading and what we are finding about our topics. I think I have in fact come to a new place in my thinking. I think that I enjoy doing this work (even though it’s frustrating at times) and I really enjoy reading other people’s work as well. I think that once we all finish and look back on this experience, we will all come to the realization that we LEARNED because we APPLIED and to me, that’s what’s most important.

I currently have no questions. I also had no questions last week that can be answered this week. Like I said last week, I’m sure questions will arise and when they do, I’ll send them via the class list, or I’ll just bug Mrs. McComas in her office like I always do :-). Until next week…

Heather P.

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October 2002
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