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Saturday, 7. September 2002
Addition to Week #2 Journal
You know, as I read over my entry for Week #2, I realized that I didn’t ask any questions that I could perhaps answer in the future. I feel that I covered all of my aims and objectives for next week and perhaps the weeks to come. At the time that I did my online journal for week 2, I didn’t really have any questions. Well, I take that back. I did have a question and it went like this: “God…could you please help me? Could you please make things slow down a bit?!” Okay, so this is more like a prayer but hey…they are questions, right? Also, I forgot to mention (or maybe I didn’t) that most of the aims and objectives that I listed particularly pertained to this course (CD 315), because this is the course that will require the most time management, the most organization, and the most dedication. The only questions that I can think of at this point (besides the ones that I said above) are: I had to add that last one because I know you seniors out there are thinking it, but you ain’t sayin’ it!! And for those of you who don’t know what this class is, I’ll give you the gist: you sit in class, watching taped therapy sessions that you really can’t hear and you really can’t see well (in other words, the quality isn’t so great), and you write down everything that you observe. You include everything from what the people (client/clinician) look like, to what the physical environment looks like, to what the people are doing in the session. Even though the therapy sessions themselves are pretty interesting, I feel as though my hand is perpetually cramped after the class is over. So you juniors had better be prepared!! I feel as though I am on my way to answering questions #1 and #2. I am sure that I will formulate other questions in the weeks to come and perhaps, I may even come up with some in the next day or so. Until next time… HLP ... Link |
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